ANTI-SEMITISM HATRED AND THE JEWISH /BLACK DIVIDE: ‘TIS THE SEASON! It’s the Winter Holidays when the SOP is to fuel Anti-Semitism, and this guy who’s on every front page caught assaulting Jewish people is their narrative’s dream for that Black/ Jewish divide. For about a month now, there’s been an uptick in attacks on Synagogues while all throughout there have been gravestone defamations and the like. But it really hasn’t been mainstream news until now. Notice how this Black man’s face is front and center in every article? He kinda resembles Richard Pryor. The purpose of their narrative is not to end the Anti-Semitism but to get you to pick sides. The same tactic is done regarding cops whose rate of being murdered has gone down considerably - along with the crime rate, by the way. Even though incarcerations have gone up. Anyway, when cops are occasionally murdered, there’s little response from the Blue Lives Matter and media because the overwhelming majority of the...
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