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Showing posts from December, 2019
ANTI-SEMITISM HATRED AND THE JEWISH /BLACK DIVIDE: ‘TIS THE SEASON! It’s the Winter Holidays when the SOP is to fuel Anti-Semitism, and this guy who’s on every front page caught assaulting Jewish people is their narrative’s dream for that Black/ Jewish divide. For about a month now, there’s been an uptick in attacks on Synagogues while all throughout there have been gravestone defamations and the like. But it really hasn’t been mainstream news until now. Notice how this Black man’s face is front and center in every article? He kinda resembles Richard Pryor. The purpose of their narrative is not to end the Anti-Semitism but to get you to pick sides. The same tactic is done regarding cops whose rate of being  murdered has gone down considerably - along with the crime rate, by the way. Even though incarcerations have gone up. Anyway, when cops are occasionally murdered, there’s little response from the Blue Lives Matter and media because the overwhelming majority of the...


ISN’T IT FUNNY? HOW THINGS REALLY WORK Isn’t it funny how the most crime-ridden areas (Native, Black or otherwise) are overseen by white cops from elsewheres? Or how white protesters and their liberal media will risk their bodies and their LIVES to side with Standing Rock but the thought of firing ALL of the white cops from elsewheres NEVER even enters their consciousness? They would rather risk their LIVES than come to the commonsense conviction that their conditioned way of life is THE BAD GUY! And now the oil spills have ruined Native land for DECADES, but let’s find another cause to prove we’re different, shall we? I mean, we see that petroleum has been archaic for at least a hundred years, but the profit margins... And you know they had to get rid of Tesla; even the memory of him. I first found out about the man through a Russian friend of mine a few years back. Pitiful me. And when they do speak of him, they attempt to paint his legacy as somewhat mystic, but his i...


THE BEST WHITE PEOPLE The best white people might acknowledge their racist conditioning but not one of them laments over it. When was the last time you fasted and prayed over it? Or have you EVER fasted and prayed over your skewed mindset. So in fact, the most spiritual among you are not spiritual at all when it comes to race. And how high would you rate the problem of race in America - or in the world for that matter? Who have you conscripted to help you with your conditioned problem? Or do you even see it as a problem with you at all?!? As a fellow teacher, are you willing and humble enough to learn from your students who know far, far more about this issue than you do? Or will you continue to boast about how you’ve done all the readings from your white whisperers like Jane Elliott, prof. DiAngelo and the other 2 white guys (of which I prefer Dixon White because he’s more honest about where he’s at now and where he was before)? I’ve had to conscript my chess student...


THE KLAN, THE COPS AND DEAD BLACK BODIES In Richard William’s (Venus and Serena’s dad) book, BLACK AND WHITE: The Way I See It, he talks about how in Louisiana, the Klan would kill young Black people for sport and how one night, he saved another Black boy’s life by dressing up in sheets from head to toe right when they were hauling a kid in their truck. How they invited him along, gave him the shotgun to ‘do the honors’. How he told the kid to run away while he pointed the shotgun at the other sheets, then stole their truck. How when white cops patrolling spotted him in his garb, they gave him a wave on by. And some wonder why our protests get us maced, jailed and killed while theirs receive police protection. Now this is America!


Hindsight: Imagine having the ability to go back in time and prevent major upheavals. Presidents should stay out of Dallas and skip the theater for the foreseeable future. Black leaders should move around a lot and don’t stay in hotels and the brothers closest to you are most likely informants for the feds. We are integrating into a burning house so continue to buy Black and maintain our businesses even though we now have options. We need to employ our own CHILDREN and leave them creating businesses of their own. Fire ALL of the white cops from elsewheres! They will assassinate you and their media will call it justified. It won’t be enough to police the police. Even the NRA will vote to outlaw open carry once they see enough of us packing. The CIA will, on orders from the President himself, hire out cops to flood Black spaces with a cheaper, more addictive substance called ‘crack’ (along with guns) that will devastate us for decades to come. The ones who survive, they w...


WHEN IS THE TRUTH NOT TRUE? I love how white folk and the Black folk who worship them call out the Black (mostly male) predators of women and CHILDREN! Love it! LOVE IT!  L.O.V.E.  I.T!  ❤️ They’re doing my job for me. But when is the truth a lie? When it’s disproportionately broadcast. For example, if we are 12% of the population, all things being somewhat equal, then we commit 12% of the crimes. But when that 12% is narrated 90% of the time, it makes us all seem like monsters. And those who commit the other 90% are deemed justified to curtail the monsters. So if white cops from elsewheres flood our neighborhoods with drugs and guns...well we monsters were gonna get them anyway, so... And if they regularly frame and torture and manipulate our CHILDREN into confessing to crimes that they didn’t do, well... if they didn’t go down for this, it would be something else, so... And if our CHILDREN are snatched away by cops from destabilized homes, well... they di...


THE COMPLEXION FOR THE PROTECTION When a Black Muslim cop killed a white woman in fear of his and his partner’s life, who startled him by banging their patrol windshield, he got 12 years with no chance of parole ‘til 8 were served. His chief was also forced to resign as a result. The woman’s family was given a record amount of compensation before they even had time to hire a lawyer and no protests were necessary for compensatory justice. Instead of being maligned for the foolish move of startling armed cops on duty (something every Black person in America knows NEVER to do), she’s lauded once again as the most innocent of victims (just like Nurse Wubble). No narrative about drug or blood alcohol levels. No history of any kind (and everyone has a history of some kind). No mention of traffic violations or violent tendencies or trouble in the home. No talk of her parents’ past and their possible influence. No mention of CHILDREN misbehaving in class, which is also a factor. N...


HOW 500,000 US CHILDREN ARE TRAFFICKED IN CHILD RAPE RINGS EACH YEAR Again, 500,000 US kids EACH YEAR! are not trafficked in CHILD rape rings by Joe, with a van on the corner. It’s is an institutionalized operation with profit margins and white cops from elsewheres are the only force with the authority to steal away that many young ones from their homes. In order to keep this ‘commodity’ flowing, 3 methods of destabilization need to take place: 1. Mass incarceration. Stealing the biological parents away makes it easy to ‘legally’ snatch away their kids. You want to take away half a million CHILDREN? Put 2 million of their parents in jail (half of the entire prison population is there on trumped up drug charges. And we are the most incarcerating nation on the planet. EVER! Not to mention the countless ‘convicts’ on parole). And in this venture, white cops from elsewheres, both in terms of systems and numbers, make ICE look like security guards at Walmart. 2. A continuously...


THE CULT OF SCAPEGOATING Let’s talk about the cult of scapegoating. I’ve been guilty of this in my misogynoir  conditioning, ignoring the plight of Black women being abused by fellow Black men and instead focusing on eliminating the  white cops from elsewheres ‘for the greater good’ falsely believing that these justice battles cannot be fought on many fronts at  the same time when the exact opposite is true; they must be tackled on ALL fronts at ALL times. I have ignored the warnings of  Mamie Till Mobley (the mother of Emmett Till): “The murder of my son has shown me that what happens to any of us, anywhere in the world  🌍 had better be the business of us ALL.” Her wisdom came at a terrible price! It behooves us all to listen to it once again. This cult that I speak of pervades our  society. It allows us Black men to decry the unfairness we face while declaring the moans of Black women as a lack of solidarity to the cause of...


BEGIN AT THE BEGINNING Fire All of the White Cops From Elsewheres first; then the predatory prosecutors 2nd. We need to first fire ALL of the white cops from elsewheres patrolling and brutalizing Black spaces and train and hire within with mandates from the community itself and watch 95% of our newsfeed just **poof** disappear. The reason why Marilyn Mosby was unsuccessful in putting the white cops who murdered Freddie Gray behind bars is because they forced her to try the Black cops who drove the police van as well. Then they forced her to try the van drivers first! The racist liberal media went along with it, claiming that it wasn’t the white officers who snapped his neck in 3 places but the “rough rides” of the Black drivers swerving back and forth with Freddie unbuckled. This is the type of evil that we’ve tolerated for so long. And yes, I said ‘tolerated’! We ALL knew that the white cops who twisted Freddie’s body up in a way that only a Romanian gymnast could stan...

The Hatred of Di Blasio

The Hatred of Di Blasio The hatred of Di Blasio in super liberal NYC is the same reason why I was one of the first in line to vote his way...twice! He was the white candidate with the Black son who had the poofy, poofy Afro. Cops had to think twice about harassing Black CHILDREN like ours because they could be the Mayor’s son or his friends. And unlike Ghouliani, he made it clear that the old racist police tactics weren’t gonna fly on his watch. All of the papers hated him because they’re all in the pockets of the NYPD, reporting what and how they tell them to report. Hence the New York police departments STILL being under investigation for running CHILD rape rings getting no press. And the CHASE barge busted with 20tons/ 40,000lbs of cocaine just **poof** disappearing with no arrests and no convictions. And when Di Blasio fired Pantaleo, the murderer of Eric Garner, he proved to be the ONLY candidate worthy of my vote for prez. Of course, the DNC had him immediately ous...


10 MOST IMPORTANT ISSUES 10 most important issues that we Black men must contend with during these trying times: 1. Our misogynoir conditioning 2. The feelings we catch when Black women point out our misogynoir conditioning. 3. The excuses we make for our misogynoir conditioning. 4. The flack, trolling, gaslighting and body shaming we inflict on Black women due to our misogynoir conditioning. 5. The authority we think we have over their pain due to our misogynoir conditioning. 6. Using our own immense hurt as a shield 🛡 to cover up how we ignore theirs due to our misogynoir conditioning. 7. Stop reinterpreting Scripture to justify our own evil desires and greed (which is idolatry). We Black men are in one of the best positions to let go of the precepts defined by our oppressors. If I were a gladiator in Rome, I would not strive to be victorious over my fellow captors but to escape the Arena entirely. Or in more modern history, don’t strive to go from the field to ...

The 5 stages of grief as it relates to racism

The 5 stages of grief as it relates to racism 1. Denial It can't really be as bad as you say. No way. You're overreacting. You don't know the WHOLE story. 2. Anger Racism is not the real problem; you're the problem. You're the angry one. You're the racist! 3. Bargaining Not all cops...not all white people. What about black on black crime? Why isn't anyone talking about that? If they'd only comply... It's better than it used to be so that's progress...right? 4. Depression So what are we supposed to do? I'm not responsible for all of this. I can't handle all of this. I have to tune out now. Too much. La la la...I'm not listening! 5. Acceptance "Reaching this stage is a gift not afforded to everyone. Embracing the truth, though it condemns, shames and disheartens us, our loved ones and our heroes is to stare at the face of change.


BLACK LIKE ME In all of U.S. history, only one man has done this. He shaved his head, injected himself with melanin and dyed his skin. The goal was to live a year as a Black man and write about his experiences, showing the horrors of racism while demonstrating that white character will out. He lasted 6 months, went on a drinking binge and had to hide out in a friends place until the melanin wore off. After his famous novel, politicians would run to him as the "negro expert" whenever there was unrest. And unlike the other "experts" he had the humility to say 'why don't you ask them what they want and try doing that?' Later, he and his family left the country in fear of the constant death threats. We don't need a conversation; we need an intervention.


HOW GOOD MEN BECOME GREAT How good men become great: Kennedy repented and came to the conviction that there cannot be two Americas; one for the white man and one for the negro. He also repented of allowing his warmongering military advisors to almost lead us into WWIII. Perhaps if he had lived - along with his brother, Bobby, they would have used the opportunity to repent some more. Then there’s King, who repented of leading us into a burning house by demanding not only the vote but reparations as well. He also repented of staying silent on Vietnam until a Black Muslim boxer by the new name of Ali took a stand first in spite of the racist consequences. Then they murdered him too. Now Ali repented of turning his back on Malcolm because he was convinced that Malcolm had gone astray by siding against The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Ali is known as The Greatest, both inside and outside of the ring, but his ability to openly own his faults is what made him truly great! Th...


REPENTING OF MY MISOGYNOIR CONDITIONING A little bit ago, a FB friend called me out on my misogynoir conditioning and I am grateful. She had posted on her  timeline about how someone did a small poll of Black women and found that only one out of all of them felt protected by  Black men. I jokingly responded, ‘Who is the one?’ meaning under this current climate, we cannot even protect ourselves  or our CHILDREN. Then I said the final thing, clearly missing the point entirely: ‘We need to fire ALL of the white cops  from elsewheres patrolling and brutalizing Black spaces’. Then she corrected me by saying that while there is  intersectionality, that she and most everyone else on her page were talking about the rampant domestic abuse  (meaning Black men raping and brutalizing Black women both inside and outside of the home. Then I understood. But just to make sure, she tagged me on a painful post where a Black woman posted her...

If 45 is impeached AND does not win in 2020.

If 45 is impeached AND does not win in 2020 If 45 is impeached AND does not win in 2020, then I will apologize profusely. But if my commonsense reasoning comes to pass in spite of the current narrative, will white liberals and the Black folk who worship them finally break through their denial bubble and give attention to things like the smoking DNC memo warning lib candidates to show us no love or the CHASE barge filled with 20tons/ 40,000lbs of cocaine that just **poof** disappears or the fact that the only system capable of trafficking 500,000 US CHILDREN each year is the police, in the same way that they flooded crack and guns into Black spaces and COINTELPRO’D away our legitimate leadership (those not paid or propped up by them to quell the masses)? There will most likely be no change because for every reasonable narrative that gets posted, there are hundreds if not thousands  spouting how the 2 Black security guards neglected their duty and that’s why J...

The Kerner Commission of 1968

“Our nation is moving towards two societies: one white, one black — separate and unequal.” - Kerner Commission 1968 And this statement was made 4 years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which was supposed to ‘correct’ the separate and unequal. What we gained from that era is essential: the right to vote, the right to use the same facilities including bathrooms, water fountains, restaurants, libraries and schools. But during that same time, we lost our media and its narrative. Black reporters were needed to report on the Black experience and the white papers paid much better. And when the Black papers went defunct, the Black reporters (in their previous numbers) were no longer necessary. So we had no narrative to guide us into the new era. White establishments were ‘better’ so we abandoned the Black ones.  And most of our businesses dried up along with our ability to employ one another. So now we had to inordinately seek out white establishments (that...