It’s the Winter Holidays when the SOP is to fuel Anti-Semitism, and this guy who’s on every front page caught assaulting Jewish people is their narrative’s dream for that Black/ Jewish divide.
For about a month now, there’s been an uptick in attacks on Synagogues while all throughout there have been gravestone defamations and the like. But it really hasn’t been
mainstream news until now. Notice how this Black man’s face is front and center in every article? He kinda resembles Richard Pryor. The purpose of their narrative is not to end the Anti-Semitism but to get you to pick sides.
The same tactic is done regarding cops whose rate of being murdered has gone down considerably - along with the crime rate, by the way. Even though incarcerations have gone up.
Anyway, when cops are occasionally murdered, there’s little response from the Blue Lives Matter and media because the overwhelming majority of their murderers are other white men.
But as soon as they can pin one on a Black man, it becomes headline news. Do you see what I mean? Then there’s the next racist tactic: choosing sides.
Should he or shouldn’t he be charged with hate crimes or does he need mental help is not the ‘sides’ that I’m talking about. It’s stirring up the whole Dem Jews thing.
You know what I’m talking about. It’s time we go all in here. I have no choice since we don’t have a media that can carefully walk us through their tactics to somehow nullify the hate conditioning. A big example:
Is it wrong what’s happening to the Palestinians? Definitely. Is expressing that it’s wrong what’s happening to the Palestinians somehow Anti-Semitic? Absolutely!
Now to the untrained mind, it may seem as though I’m contradicting myself or at best waffling with little conviction either way. So let me Blacksplain:
Back during the Rwandan genocide, many Tutsis died at the hand of Hutus. But no one here was going ‘Those damned Hutus!’ or ‘It serves the Tutsis right for allowing the white man to prop up their minority group!
We all here just wanted the bloodshed to end. But when it comes to Palestine, we don’t just want the bloodshed to end. We have definite opinions of what and what. And like it or not, it’s because we have been conditioned to be polarized on the matter.
I know I am and I’ve got the receipts to prove it! And the seeds of my conditioned hatred tend to emerge under stress. I’ll be just tea la la-ing along and then the second I think someone has shortchanged me, the seed planted pops in my head, ‘Well he’s Jewish, so...
So what do we do? First, we can recognize this article for the polarizing dung that it is! Next, we can begin to see the patterns:
Anti- Semitism in the Winter; Anti- Muslim in the Spring. After that, we can learn to be more spiritual. How? Prayer, reading, meditate, repent.
How do we repent? We apologize profusely. Then we do it again, even boasting about our evil! It’s the best way to keep the conditioning at bay.
So again, the media and society is responsible for conditioning our minds to hate, but we are responsible for our own sin and need to repent in order to recondition our minds and hearts.
This requires a deeper level of spirituality than most of us currently possess. Even those of us with the necessary spirituality and intelligence are conditioned to
look the other way rather than face their demons head-on. Great intelligence in this case will actually be used to defend and uphold the internal evil rather than expose and excise it.
If I tell you beforehand what’s gonna happen, it’s far more effective than proclaiming the pattern after the incident takes place, so my bad for not getting this out sooner.
And don’t forget that the Muslim hate in the Springtime is coming. Forewarned is forearmed. In spite of the daunting task, I wish us uncommon success in the New Year and be well.
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