Let’s talk about the cult of scapegoating. I’ve been guilty of this in my misogynoir
conditioning, ignoring the plight of Black women being abused by fellow Black men
and instead focusing on eliminating the
white cops from elsewheres ‘for the greater good’ falsely believing that these justice battles cannot be fought on many fronts at
the same time when the exact opposite is true; they must be tackled on ALL fronts at ALL times. I have ignored the warnings of
Mamie Till Mobley (the mother of Emmett Till): “The murder of my son has shown me that what happens to any of us, anywhere in the world 🌍had better be the business of us ALL.”
Her wisdom came at a terrible price! It behooves us all to listen to it once again. This cult that I speak of pervades our
society. It allows us Black men to decry the unfairness we face while declaring the moans of Black women as a lack of solidarity to the cause of ‘mutual liberation.’
And even though the I feel that the overwhelming numbers of women and CHILDREN in particular have been trafficked by white cops from elsewheres
(who else would have the authority and the dispassion to do so on such a huge scale as 500,000 per year), I’ve ignored the daily
evils of fellow Black men due to it being disproportionately reported. The greatest of us back then would own our faults -
not in secret, but in the open for ALL to see. Even our enemies knew our shortcomings for we were ALWAYS the standard keepers.
King later in life forcefully demanded reparations, apologized for not standing up to the atrocity of the Vietnam war (lauding a
Black Muslim boxer’s stand around all costs in the process), and admitted that ‘we’ve integrated into a burning house.’
Ali acknowledged his shame at not standing with Malcolm when the hypocrisy was revealed of Elijah Muhammad impregnating
his secretaries while at the same time kicking these same women out for their
‘sin.’ Malcolm, after conversing with his wife later owned up to the fact that a short while ago, if anyone had confronted him with the
truth of Elijah’s repeated infidelity and hypocrisy, he would have demanded that person’s head. It took courage to stand up to the white man’s tactics but it took
greatness to stand up to evil on the inside from a man who literally saved your life! And owning the fact that the signs were there
and you chose to ignore it, greater courage still. But without this courage, we cannot achieve or even hope to ask the pertinent
questions: ARE PRISONS OBSOLETE? (Angela Davis) or why do we seek to reform or police the police when we need to
eliminate the white cops from elsewheres patrolling and brutalizing Black spaces entirely?
So let the white gaze and the Black folk who worship it come for us; they’re doing our job for us - setting a standard of behavior that we should have had all along.
I don’t care if ALL of our heroes of old are exposed and brought down. It’ll teach the new crop that the behaviors of the past will
no longer fly. And eventually we will kick all of the white cops out of Black spaces who flood in the massive amounts of drugs and
guns and trafficking our CHILDREN on a MASSIVE scale and who knows what else. It’s the ONLY way to keep the
Kalief Browders and Corryn Gaineses from happening again and again along with countless others who have been exonerated
from death row for murder WHO WEREN’T EVEN AT THE SCENE OF THE CRIME!
Let everyone else rattle on with the will he won’t he be finally kicked out of office. We know better and I’m staking my wittle social
media platform on the strength of white supremacy in America and how you cannot successfully dismantle one aspect without
the whole fabric of evil unraveling - and how white liberals have proven time and again that their cognitive dissonance and
denial conditioning prevents them from doing what it takes. This type of battle is spiritual and their tools are ill equipped to handle it. But who is equipped these days?
Can’t wait ‘til we have our own media. Everything changes.
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