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How good men become great:

Kennedy repented and came to the conviction that there cannot be two Americas; one for the white man and one for

the negro. He also repented of allowing his warmongering military advisors to almost lead us into WWIII. Perhaps if he

had lived - along with his brother, Bobby, they would have used the opportunity to repent some more.

Then there’s King, who repented of leading us into a burning house by demanding not only the vote but reparations as

well. He also repented of staying silent on Vietnam until a Black Muslim boxer by the new name of Ali took a stand first

in spite of the racist consequences. Then they murdered him too. Now Ali repented of turning his back on Malcolm

because he was convinced that Malcolm had gone astray by siding against The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Ali is known

as The Greatest, both inside and outside of the ring, but his ability to openly own his faults is what made him truly great!

Then there’s Malcolm, who came to a new conviction by listening to his wife; that ostracizing Black Muslim women for

getting pregnant while not calling out the leader, Elijah Muhammad, for impregnating them is wrong. The price he

paid in calling out his mentor, the one who SAVED HIS LIFE! is epically righteous! But even he admitted that if roles were

reversed, he would’ve been conditioned to side with the leader rather than doing what’s right - and he learned from it.

Of course they murdered him too. Then there’s Bob Marley who got reprimanded by Dick Gregory for glorifying Buffalo

Soldiers who basically shot buffalo and Natives on sight. And Dick Gregory was constantly calling himself out while trying

to break his capitalist warmongering supporter conditioning. In short, we have big shoes to fill. But we have one

advantage over the heroes before us; hindsight. Let’s learn from the past and show our mettle. Be well.


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