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Showing posts from October, 2020


 It’s amazing how these racist liberal articles whitewash violence, Jim Crow and the reparations given  to slave holders ONLY to recoup ‘lost revenue’. No wonder how despite us posting Black Wall St. on social media  time and time again since FOREVER, and having schools where they’re supposed to teach true history  at least one month out of the year, many white folk first hear about it from an HBO show! They neglect to mention how within the space of merely 7 years, we came from slavery to establishing our own townships. If they did, then maybe we’d begin to question more why white cops from elsewheres patrol Black spaces to  the tune of 95%. Even with the redlining, swindling, eminent domain and the razing of Black townships, (in the case of Black Wall St. and the Move Bombing in the 80’s in Philadelphia by air), without white cops from  elsewheres COINTELPROING us and then shipping in the drugs and guns to Black spaces along with  overincarcerating u...


 If the white (or Black but white sponsored) media spent just 1% of their venue calling out the DNC smoking memo warning lib candidates to show us no love,  then Black folk in swing states (the key block in the electoral college) would be given a reason to vote en-masse and change the tide like they did with Obama. But this is by design. Again, 85% of Black folk vote Dem when they do cast a ballot. Those numbers aren’t gonna change with Russian hacking or the supposed Black Republican constituents. The ONLY demographic with a higher liberal bent is Native Americans. So even if the worst of what white savagery says were true, it would STILL be insignificant. And if they can besmirch Ice, with 30+ years of Blackpositive receipts, what hope is there for the rest of us? Can’t wait ‘til we have our own media. Everything changes.


 Here’s the election in a nutshell: 1. Everyone votes the same no matter what. There is nothing more intimate he can grab them by. No revelation of impropriety, no loss of job or healthcare or life  (We’re looking at you, Covid). No taxes unpaid. No infidelity. No number of women sexually assaulted. He can (and will) lie his way all the way back to a 2nd term. Nothing that will make a difference in the republican voting numbers. No matter what their lame-stream media tells you. 2. In this current electoral college process, the determining factor is Black folk voting en-masse in swing states.  I’ll say it again: In this current electoral college process, the determining factor is Black folk voting en-masse in swing states.  3. It won’t be the Russian hacking or the Black republican voter increase (ridiculous) that determines ANYTHING. 4. The DNC smoking memo warning lib candidates to show us no love, which we’ve all clearly seen in effect, gives those Black swing stat...


 Religious entities and so-called Black media are bought off via sponsors, tax breaks or threats. They’ll only go after soft targets like Jewish people, Ice Cube, Black women and gay Jussie. They won’t touch on firing ALL of the white cops from elsewheres patrolling and brutalizing Black spaces and hashtagging us and our CHILDREN with impunity! Or the military industrial complex funding both parties, giving millions or billions to make trillions, while they profit from illegal wars all via our taxes which does not go to the soldiers whose families subsist on food stamps (even more of our taxes) and who suicide at home faster than they die on the battlefield, or the supplies which are brought in via prison / slave labor at pennies on the dollar! The CHASE barge busted with 20 tons/ 40,000 lbs of cocaine with no arrests and no convictions, where the corporate perps not only NEVER see the inside of a courtroom but are written about in Forbes as Masters of Industry! Or the 500,000 US k...


I pray for 45. Just as I prayed for Obama and Bush and Clinton beforehand. “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.“ - 1 Timothy 2:1-4 And before you start thinking (never commenting, of course, because you respect me too much and I have the protection that comes with being a Black cis man  and not a Black woman so you won’t call me out of my name or question my credentials - of which I have none - or my experience, because that goes against the man code), remember that a christian is the ONLY one who bans the white gaze without blocking or unfriending and the ONLY one who consistently says the commonsense solution  of firing ALL of the white cops from elsewheres patrolling and brut...


 All of the US police unions (even in liberal central NY and LA) are squarely in 45’s corner but the money that buys off both parties commands the DNC to make sure that its candidates stay mum on all of it;  yet liberals STILL expect a record turnout of Black folk in swing states to turn the tide of the election once again. And the hashtags with impunity happen all over America - including the swing states. Commonsense tells me that if I wouldn’t vote even if in a swing state, even knowing that a 2nd term is at stake, then why would they? And I fully understand Black folk spouting Rock the Vote as opposed to leverage the vote, since it follows their white liberal media masters guidelines. Been there and done that. And when they lose...again, their media will have their blame-game scapegoats in full effect to deflect from the obvious: It’s white women who ignore trumps misogyny. It’s poor conservatives who vote against their own interests to feel good about their whiteness once...


 Saw the movie 13th years back. It's suitable for school viewing across the country because it leaves out the top 10 HORRORS of how we are targeted in racist America: 1. Women being hanged in prison cells by guards is a common practice. 2. Forced sterilizations. 3. The gov't from the very top, Reagan facilitated the pumping of crack into Black spaces.  The movie talked about how they gave us higher sentences for crack but didn't mention how they flooded the devastating drug into our neighborhoods for profit. 4. The CIA recruiting cops to flood neighborhoods with drugs (crack) and guns has been proven and continues to this day. 5. Ronald Reagan and much of his staff was pardoned by his v.p. Bush Sr. for selling arms for drugs to fund an illegal war that was not approved by congress. 6. Bush Sr. was the former HEAD of the CIA and had his hand in ALL of this. (This is the ONLY speculative statement, but it makes total sense). Feel free to Snopes out the rest. Why is all of thi...


 People forget. Zimmermann was told to stand down from following Trayvon by police - and he did not comply. Apparently it's only important to comply when you're Black. Trayvon called his best friend and told her that some cracka-assed cracka was following him. He gave a blood curdling cry for help that a voice examiner determined could have only come from a teen, before they found other 'experts' who said it could have come from a grown man. The folk who freely called him a thug on your posts and mine, did they EVER apologize? Not one. NOT ONE! This would not even have gone to trial if Sharpton had not staged a protest. The citizens there said that he wasn't the only one murdered in this way; the difference was that he wasn't from the area and the family balked at there not being a trial. The racist judge stipulated that racial profiling could not be a factor in the trial, when most every Black person in america - and not a few white people - knew that if Trayvo...


 Even with the Covid catching and the tax returns coupled with the new stats showing his opponent now 14 points ahead,  I STILL bet my FB presence on white savagery. Black folk like me en-masse are just not gonna brave the polls in swing states with nothing on the table. Those of us who see past the veil via patterns and commonsense were right about 2016 and January’s impeachment and we’ll be right about November. The pollsters are making it up. How can you go from calling a dead heat in Florida (even Hillary was further up at this time and she lost the electoral vote miserably), to 14 points up? I’ll even predict who they’ll blame it on: 1. The poor republicans who don’t know any better. 2. White women who didn’t mind hearing ‘grab by the...’ 3. Black folk in swing states who didn’t show like for Obama. 4. Some will even blame my wittle comments as self-fulfilling; making my pointing out the obvious the reason why the obvious happened. But you know who won’t be blamed? White ...