Here’s the election in a nutshell:
1. Everyone votes the same no matter what. There is nothing more intimate he can grab them by. No revelation of impropriety, no loss of job or healthcare or life
(We’re looking at you, Covid). No taxes unpaid. No infidelity. No number of women sexually assaulted. He can (and will) lie his way all the way back to a 2nd term.
Nothing that will make a difference in the republican voting numbers. No matter what their lame-stream media tells you.
2. In this current electoral college process, the determining factor is Black folk voting en-masse in swing states.
I’ll say it again:
In this current electoral college process, the determining factor is Black folk voting en-masse in swing states.
3. It won’t be the Russian hacking or the Black republican voter increase (ridiculous) that determines ANYTHING.
4. The DNC smoking memo warning lib candidates to show us no love, which we’ve all clearly seen in effect, gives those Black swing state voters zero incentive to vote en-masse. And so they won’t...again.
5. This is by design, because the two main parties are wings on the same corrupt and corrupted bird, corporately bought and paid for mainly via the Military Industrial Complex.
6. Why do they care to tell the DNC to mandate that their lib candidates show us no love? Because white savagery
(like all evil) is highly profitable, but very unstable. See the French Revolution. One small push and even white liberals and the Black folk who worship them will say,
‘Hey, wait a minute! Why are all of my taxes going to the military but not the soldiers or equipment?!? Why these illegal wars for corporate profit?!?
Why am I working harder than my parents yet falling deeper into debt?!? Why are they cutting everything that benefits me and our economy is still tanked?!?’
It’s like there’s some sort of spell preventing folk from seeing the obvious. Either we break the spell or the spell breaks us.
Can’t wait ‘til we have our own media. Everything changes.
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