It’s amazing how these racist liberal articles whitewash violence, Jim Crow and the reparations given
to slave holders ONLY to recoup ‘lost revenue’. No wonder how despite us posting Black Wall St. on social media
time and time again since FOREVER, and having schools where they’re supposed to teach true history
at least one month out of the year, many white folk first hear about it from an HBO show!
They neglect to mention how within the space of merely 7 years, we came from slavery to establishing our own townships.
If they did, then maybe we’d begin to question more why white cops from elsewheres patrol Black spaces to
the tune of 95%. Even with the redlining, swindling, eminent domain and the razing of Black townships,
(in the case of Black Wall St. and the Move Bombing in the 80’s in Philadelphia by air), without white cops from
elsewheres COINTELPROING us and then shipping in the drugs and guns to Black spaces along with
overincarcerating us, we’d bounce back in a fortnight and that’s what they really fear. Not to mention folk like
John Brown who fought with us against other white usurpers when they attacked our townships
without any provocation. And you know they had to erase that White man’s history entirely, relegating it to a
botched raid by a crazy white man who killed another white man in the process. As opposed to the man Union
soldiers sang about as they marched into battle during the latter half of the Civil War.
In short, if we truly knew our history, we’d fire ALL of the white cops from elsewheres patrolling and brutalizing
Black spaces and things would change in a fortnight. But our oppressor knows our history well - hence the over policing.
Can’t wait ‘til we have our own media. Everything changes.
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