Even with the Covid catching and the tax returns coupled with the new stats showing his opponent now 14 points ahead,
I STILL bet my FB presence on white savagery.
Black folk like me en-masse are just not gonna brave the polls in swing states with nothing on the table.
Those of us who see past the veil via patterns and commonsense were right about 2016 and January’s impeachment and we’ll be right about November.
The pollsters are making it up. How can you go from calling a dead heat in Florida (even Hillary was further up at this time and she lost the electoral vote miserably),
to 14 points up? I’ll even predict who they’ll blame it on:
1. The poor republicans who don’t know any better.
2. White women who didn’t mind hearing ‘grab by the...’
3. Black folk in swing states who didn’t show like for Obama.
4. Some will even blame my wittle comments as self-fulfilling; making my pointing out the obvious the reason why the obvious happened.
But you know who won’t be blamed? White liberals and the Black folk who worship them for saying ROCK THE VOTE like bobble heads
while ignoring the DNC smoking memo warning lib candidates to show us no love.
The same white savagery that got you that job, that loan, that career, that grant, that gentrified space
and the freedom to not be harassed by cops, will get him re-elected. Unless here and now, you’re willing to give all of that up starting with reparations. Yep...didn’t think so.
It’s like I’m talking to myself here...
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