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 Saw the movie 13th years back.

It's suitable for school viewing across the country because it leaves out the top 10 HORRORS of how we are targeted in racist America:

1. Women being hanged in prison cells by guards is a common practice.

2. Forced sterilizations.

3. The gov't from the very top, Reagan facilitated the pumping of crack into Black spaces. 

The movie talked about how they gave us higher sentences for crack but didn't mention how they flooded the devastating drug into our neighborhoods for profit.

4. The CIA recruiting cops to flood neighborhoods with drugs (crack) and guns has been proven and continues to this day.

5. Ronald Reagan and much of his staff was pardoned by his v.p. Bush Sr. for selling arms for drugs to fund an illegal war that was not approved by congress.

6. Bush Sr. was the former HEAD of the CIA and had his hand in ALL of this. (This is the ONLY speculative statement, but it makes total sense). Feel free to Snopes out the rest.

Why is all of this important? Because it shows the utter depths of white savagery from the top down and the horrors inflicted on Black women while in prison - the most vulnerable among us.

Notice I don't include rape. That's an epidemic across the board but affects Black women (and men) both in police custody and prisons.

7. white cops murdering unarmed Black men, women and CHILDREN with impunity was mentioned but what was left out was the powerful tactic of falsifying the narrative:

Trayvon did not engage in any ground n pound according to the coroner, Shiping Bao (a Chinese coroner of 19 years experience).

Mike Brown wasn't a threat walking toward him from a 100 plus feet away with his hands up. He was target practice.

Eric Garner was murdered by an illegal choke hold which they later deemed a legal takedown maneuver. And he wasn't murdered for selling loosies as they purport. There were no cigarettes found in his car or on his person.

They claimed that an elderly Eleanor Bumpers came (with a sharp knife) at armed and armored cops who banged down her wrong door and had no choice but to shoot her dead. Who gave the account but the ones who murdered her?

Cop shoots Tamir Rice and claims he warned him 3x to put down the toy gun. Tape later comes back showing the kid shot within 2 seconds of their arrival. No trial. 

No conviction for this cop drive-by. How many times do you have to catch someone in a lie before you call them LIARS!

Freddie Gray wasn't twisted up like a pretzel by white cops and then had his spine broken in 3 places because they neglected to fasten his safety belt 

while the mean Black drivers swerved back and forth, leaving him to tossle around the van helplessly. The white cops in the back finished the job that they started behind the van doors.

Sandra Bland's 6 ft. frame didn't suicide hanging from a 5 ft. post with defensive wounds on her arms!

8. DNA was falsified for at least 40,000 inmates STILL serving time! This is only what we know and can be proven. 

The idea that just this one woman did this all on her own volition is ludicrous.

9. Judges have gone to prison for sentencing CHILDREN for money.

10. While the movie tells of innocent Black men being held for up to 3 years due to not being able to afford bail and no due process, 

they don't mention the practice of planting drugs on Black folk by cops being so common that it's been given a name: 'flaking'.

So if you claim to care, Snopes out all of these facts and post them on your page. Remember that #6 is speculation but all others are proven. Check on it but don't stay silent. 

Or if you do keep quiet, don't use Snopes to call out anything speculative ever again. 

Your silence here only proves that it is used solely as a tool for our continued oppression.

Can't wait 'til we have our own media. Everything changes.


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