5 THINGS THAT WHITE PEOPLE NEED TO DO We Black folk are going to end racism. Here are 5 things that white people need to do to not be on the side of the evil anymore. 3 of them will be impossible for you at this time. #4 you’ve hopefully already been doing (if you’re on my page). And #5 is the one that that is crucial if you have ANY hope of accomplishing 1,2 and 3. 1. Posting with conviction: FIRE ALL OF THE WHITE COPS FROM ELSEWHERES! Impossible for you at this time. 2. Posting with conviction: REPARATIONS NOW! Impossible for you at this time. 3. Confess your sins on the matter and repent. Impossible for you at this time. 4. Continue following my white gaze ban mandate. Congratulations! You should be doing this already, and it’s making a world of difference! And by the way, you’re welcome! 5. Do a self-ban on other Black people’s pages entirely. I’m gonna fully Blacksplain this last one; and it won’t be pretty; given the urgency of our situation! There’s ...
Race Politics Spirituality Health Economics