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We don’t NEED to watch that Arbery ‘oppression porn’ video again and again; just hone your commonsense instincts and look for racist patterns. I NEVER saw the video and knew.

The tip-off was reading the audio of the police call. When the cops ask them what he’s doing, they’re response is “He’s...jogging.”

It was just like Zimmerman’s police call. They weren’t doing a citizen’s watch; they were hunting for young Black buck!

Commonsense told me that the filmer was in on it because the racist media said that he released the video because he thought that it would help exonerate his ‘friends’ by proving self defense.

But what do your instincts tell you? And kudos to those who trust their instincts!

They tell us that something’s fishy, long before the 2 and 2 equals 4 of it is consciously calculated in our brains.

First, they don’t arrest father and son for months so did he just decide to release the video when they got arrested or...

you guessed it! The video had already been put out there to their ‘friends’ like the lynching postcards of old!

The excuse was merely to cover the filmer’s tracks. And just like with Trayvon and Emmett Till, this obviously wasn’t their county’s first buck hunting rodeo!

It was just the first time that each of the families balked at there being no justice.

Everyone is against us.

And we’re relegated to playing Sherlock Holmes and Quincy and Johnny Cochran to try and get justice for this man and it should tick us off!

We need our own media and we need to fire ALL of the white cops from elsewheres patrolling and brutalizing Black spaces!

Again, if we were told to police a white area because they were somehow incapable of policing themselves,

we wouldn’t respect them either! We wouldn’t shoot their CHILDREN in gazebos, but...

They will NEVER respect us until we learn to respect ourselves!

Just look at the pattern of what they do when cops disrespect or murder one of their own.

Entire police departments have been suspended! They quietly banned ALL COPS from the hospital where white nurse Wubbels was handcuffed HANDCUFFED!

Then their media called her the most innocent of victims!

When the Black Muslim cop shot the white woman when he got startled at her banging on the back of his car windshield,

the police chief was forced to resign, he was given 12 YEARS! with no chance of parole until 8

and 20 million was given to the family before they even had a chance to protest or hire a lawyer!

Their media was COMPLETELY on their side, so we never found out ANY of her history,

while they went into great detail about how his partner didn’t fire and that his ‘reckless’ shooting threatened his partner’s life as well.

Do you know what they didn’t do, which was so glaringly obvious? What’s your commonsense telling you? Take your time.

It told me to reverse the races. If a Black woman had banged on the back windshield of a cop car and a white cop shot?

You guessed it. We’d ALL be saying ‘What the heck was she thinking?!?’ And we’d be right because we know better! But she was white, so...

And when the other cop does NOT fire at a Black person along with their partner, they’re the ones who get fired!

There is NOTHING that we’re currently doing that will keep us from being hashtagged a week from now or even 5 years from now!

Not the jogging or the pink hats or the patrolling their streets with guns.


It’s like there’s some sort of spell preventing folk from seeing the obvious. Either we break the spell or the spell breaks us.

Can’t wait ‘til we have our own media. Everything changes.

I lament over the energy we spend.

White folk are STILL miffed over the OJ verdict and their trauma from DECADES AGO is like the trauma of the week to us.

Once we kick the white cops out of Black spaces, then we can pour our energy into things like living our lives!


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