One problem that I’ve had about the past is asking ‘Didn’t our leaders see the inherent problem in all of these white cops from elsewheres patrolling and brutalizing Black spaces?’
I’m gratified to find that the answer is ‘Of course they did!’ But you have to dig deeper than the history books. Look at the YouTube videos of speeches and things like letters from Birmingham jails to find the truth.
So the next time someone says that King should’ve realized beforehand that we were integrating into a burning house, remember that this 39 year old at the time of his murder was one of the wisest men on the planet and that there are other options besides ignorance.
Given the nature of racism in America, one option is that what they told him about integration wasn’t their actual practice policy implemented.
Another option is that he had to cut a deal, meaning that in order for integration to occur, they had to give up certain businesses of their own.
There are so many variables that in order to find out the reality, we’d need our own media to look at the living history of those were there to tell us the truth.
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