White cops NEVER leak to the press that they’re now investigating specific members (by name) of the Aryan Brotherhood.
When it’s them, the investigation is ALWAYS ongoing.
But when it’s us, they ‘leak’ that Sandra was ‘suicidal’, Cyntoia and Mike Brown and Marissa Alexander were ‘no Angels’,
Korryn was ‘unstable’,
King was a philanderer, Trayvon engaged in ground n pound because he watched ultimate fighting on tv
(or how the media runs with his dad saying that the blood-curdling scream heard on the 911 call of a neighbor was NOT his son.
The last time we heard our son give a piercing scream was when he was slightly colicky at 3months old!).
Or it was leaked that grandma Eleanor Bumpers came at the armed and armored cops with a kitchen knife so they had to shoot during the no-knock raid on the wrong home.
Or the leak that Sean Bell shot at cops first on eve before his wedding day.
Or the leak that Tawana Brawley did it to herself (burnt herself with an iron, and put herself in a trash can covered with feces.
And let’s not forget how the press ‘leaked’ that Walter Scott went for cop Slager’s pistol so he had to shoot him in self defense. The papers and the dept. had already marked it as justified despite the fact forensics should have shown several bullets in the back from at least 10 ft. away.
We KNOW all of this because brave Mr. Santana came forward and wisely gave his video directly to the media.
And we could go on and on.
In the words of Maya Angelou, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them THE FIRST TIME”!
We have no power to steer the narrative on a national or world level except when an idea of ours catches and trends despite their media’s sabotage.
Do you even remember how Zimmermann’s browser history had gay porn sites?
Of course not because that would have created a credible motive for why he stalked a young Black teen when the cops told him to desist, making Zimmermann the only one that evening who DIDN’T comply.
They shut that browser narrative down REAL QUICK!
Let’s not do their job for them. As far as I am concerned, until the victim tells us anything different, we need to be looking for those white haters who beat him up.
They’re probably STILL looking for one the bullet Sean Bell fired at cops before they opened up with a hail ful of bullets at the car filled with Black men!
And should he come out and say otherwise, we should forgive and console.
God knows we’ve forgiven and consoled folk who HATE us and lied on us plenty of times!
The ONLY thing I could tell from the racist lamestream media’s lies is that he clearly didn’t beat up himself.
Because if that were humanly possible, they woulda leaked that too.
They’ve told so many lies that we’ve just swallowed...do you even remember the young man who shot himself in the front of his chest while being handcuffed from behind in the back of a police car?!?
In the words of the late Dick Gregory, “What kind of fool is you?!?”
It’s like there’s some sort of spell preventing folk from seeing the obvious. Either we break the spell or the spell breaks us.
Can’t wait ‘til we have our own media. Everything changes.
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