BAN ALL OF THE WHITE GAZE COMMENTS! They strain at a gnat yet swallow a camel! Toxic...yet effective! I’ll be gone in January so let me leave a few tips:
And if you contend with their banter (right or wrong), the truth of say the Native genocide HORROR gets lost in the sauce.
They refuse to lament over the evils of the past and so reflexively, in their denial and dissonance, engage in banter meant to distract.
Example: we say that we heard that ‘picnic’ means pick a n**ger to lynch.
They’ll quickly chime in that that’s not the word’s etymology. They’re like SNOPES; pretending to be impartial but only (with maybe a few exceptions) chiming in on the negative regarding race.
Or they’ll agree with what we’re saying but insist that we label them the exception. NOT YOU, BRADLEY! NOT YOU, VIRGINIA!
The HORROR of how they’d accuse an innocent Black man (often a small business owner),
jail them, schedule their public hanging in the paper and have men, women and CHILDREN come out dressed in their
Sunday best to view the ‘entertainment’, taking pictures, saving body parts as trophies, while calling on Jesus the Sunday after without so much as a blush, is locked away in the recesses of their psyche.
And they’ll NEVER volunteer that if there was a lynching, either in a scheduled ‘picnic’ or just a random
‘There’s a n**ger! We got a crowd, a tree and some rope!’, that if the wife objected, they’d lynch her too (pregnant or no).
Their hearts are too much stone to let it all sink in. And hearts, once hardened cannot be un-hardened; they must break.
Mention reparations and watch them blubber or scatter. Don’t even have to say which reparations.
They know it’s for their blood guilt towards us and have reasons prepped for why it cannot happen.
They’ll even get other Black folk to do their dirty work, thereby keeping their hands clean. But the hashtags continue.
And for each hashtag, WE NEED TO HEAR THE WHOLE STORY! One time, they commented that my wording was oddly spaced!
And other white folk like clockwork jumped in on that. They’ll get very creative to avoid the awful truth.
Another will demand that we’re too wordy. Another will demand we explain ourselves clearly and not beat around the bush. Another will demand ‘source’ in a world that’s easily googleable.
And when we’re proven right time and again, they say OH and go back to posting puppies and kittens and what they had for brunch.
Banning the white comments on my page gave us time and a space to commiserate and grow.
It also gave white folk on my page time to question their assertions and the veiled motivations behind them.
It’s like there’s some sort of spell preventing folk from seeing the obvious.
Either we break the spell or the spell breaks us. Can’t wait ‘til we have our own media. Everything changes.
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