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 I had been COINTELPRO’d. It took Ife and Ashtart to straighten me out about how reparations (which has gone to every other oppressed group) is our right as well - as we deserve the most for our hardships.

In the same way, ANY leader who is not for reparations NOW is either on the payroll or drinks the Kool-Aid voluntarily saying, ‘Mmm mmm Good!’

But these days, knowing that reparations has been mandated off the agenda, it’s harder to tell.

My current litmus is whether they’re willing to say, ‘Fire ALL of the white cops from elsewheres patrolling and brutalizing Black spaces.

If they’re willing to say Rock the Vote but not that, they’re COINTELPRO’d. If they’re willing to say ‘Arm yourselves!’ but not fire ALL of the ones we’re arming ourselves against,

then they’ve been COINTELPRO’d. If they say that we need to pool our money, boycott, start our own businesses, 

create our own schools and the like but not fire ALL of the white cops from elsewheres who are the arms and legs preventing all of that from happening, then they’ve been like me,

drinking the Kool-Aid. I make no distinction between those who were probably paid to guzzle it down like the likes of

Boyce Watkins and other Black figures who hated Obama, even when he finally stood up and lambasted the white cop 

who arrested the Black Harvard Law Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. for entering into his own home and myself!

Coincidentally, after Boyce Watkins called Obama’s stepping up to the plate, cronyism, instead of the obvious profiling,

all of his venues blew up, like he got an influx of serious money and means. And in return, he has steered clear of

saying FIRE ALL OF THE WHITE COPS FROM ELSEWHERES PATROLLING AND BRUTALIZING BLACK SPACES when he’s been on venues like The Breakfast Club and asked point blank his views. He continually says, NOT ALL.

And so have most of these Negro leaders. They’re just like me so while I judge them, I cannot condemn them because 

that would be condemning myself. I bring these things up because if we want to stop fighting these isms 

and finally end them, this is the spiritual walk of repentance that we’re all gonna need to take - especially the leaders among us because the sheep, while deeply important, will follow the herd.

We’re gonna need to call out our Misogynoir conditioning where mainly Black male leaders bodyshame Venus and Serena and Michelle Obama in the same breath

but readily refer to Black women as Queens and Goddesses in general - proving that they don’t mean it; it’s just a tool to control.

I’m just as guilty. digging deep in my skull through prayer, fasting and meditation to pull out all of this bile!

We (myself included) CANNOT go down these same paths and expect to arrive at a different destination.

I’m going down the way of repentance because I AM DONE being used as a tool for my own oppression and the 

oppression of women - particularly Black women. The very act of my repentance is enough to frighten trolls and 

and tone-policers away from my page. Even the demons believe in The Almighty...and tremble.

The truth is that I have spent decades dealing with my ingrained conditioning but many of you have the 

potential to do it so much faster! It is neither age nor experience but the Spirit in a person that gives them wisdom.

You can be so much better than you are because you’re so much stronger than I am.

Be well.


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