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Bobby Kennedy famously said that 40 years later, we may see a Black President. I initially thought that his words were prescient, given the advent of Obama, but Baldwin set me straight.

Baldwin paraphrased: Here’s a guy and his family who just got off the boat yesterday, his brother becomes president today and says that in 4 decades, we might get there too.

The arrogance of racism!

But that’s not what I want to talk about. You see, I’d stack the wisdom and insights of Baldwin against and Black man of ANY era, including today’s and come out on top.

But Baldwin was personal friends with Nikki Giovanni, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou and later Alice Walker

and yet he STILL chose to put the plight of Black women on the backburner for the sake of the ‘greater good’ of our shared civil rights.

So if the greatest male kind of ANY time would not listen to his friends, who happened to be the sharpest female minds of ANY day, what hope is there for the rest of us fellas?

I have brothers on my page who ain’t NEVER apologizing for saying that ‘She’s no angel’ concerning Marissa Alexander.

They ain’t NEVER gonna see misogynoir conditioning as nothing but a white feminist plot to divide us in THE STRUGGLE.

So with man, this is impossible; but with God, ALL things are possible for she who believes.

I have this theory. Wanna hear it? The theory goes that if we say something with conviction like REPARATIONS NOW, they have to shut us up by killing us, jailing us, expatriating us, discrediting us or buying us off.

If none of those are successful, the sheep eventually turn in our direction, hence the corporate Black Lives Matter trend.

I have another theory called ‘trickle up’. That if we look out for the most vulnerable among us FIRST, that it will destroy the foundations of evil for that time.

My final theory is squarely based on biblical principles. The end will come. And before then, great tribulation. But no one knows the day or the hour - not even the Christ while he walked the earth.

So my theory is that like the Judges of old, if we stand up, repent, and through God’s Spirit do better than all those before, that we will hold back the tide and bring some semblance of sanity once again.

And I was NEVER alone in this. But now, other men are praying with me along with groups from all over and other women are doing the same, praying in groups early in the morning for 1,2 and 3 hours or more EVERY DAY!

And soon, we’ll have round the clock and all year prayer, fasting, repenting, confessing and fellowship chains.

And as far as I’m concerned, just me and The Almighty is already overkill, so with multiples like we’re having, the dominoes will fall and will fall quickly.

Be well.


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