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Took a month hiatus from posting or commenting on social media (while still checking my newsfeed). 

However you fight these evils, I’m all for it. As a christian, I’ve been a part of virtual prayer walks beginning at 6:30am lasting to as late as nine (every single day including once a week fasting),

where we’re praising God and confessing our sins while the fellowship of brothers are shaping me up.

In the evenings, I go for solo prayer walks. The goal is to be a part of a 24 hour prayer chain (I’d be happy to take the wee hours).

But here’s the clinch; repentance needs to mainly be about us men repenting about our long-standing, ingrained misogynoir (hatred of Black women) conditioning.

This may seem extreme to some, but if you come after these strongholds, evil is not just gonna roll over and show you it’s belly!

And while my focus will be on repenting of my misogynoir conditioning, the same mandates on my page are firm:

1. Reparations NOW!

2. Fire ALL of the white cops from elsewheres patrolling and brutalizing Black spaces!

3. We need our own media to espouse our own narrative. 

4. The white gaze commenting ban is STILL in effect!

5. Just as ‘some’ of us knew that 45 had it in the bag in 2016 and that he wouldn’t be impeached later on and that he’s a shoe in for 2020 (with me even betting my social media presence on it), and the protests where more Black folk are brutalized and murdered while protesting the people brutalized and murdered,

not because we’re prognosticators, but we see the obvious patterns. You can’t remove this president without tearing down the foundations on which he stands;

and white people STILL just aren’t prepared to do that. You can see the mechanizations in their brains 🧠 when reparations is mentioned: ‘If we allotted every Black woman, man and CHILD $400,000 in recompense,

then many of THEM would have more than a lot of US!’ There is no fear of God in their hearts as to the bloodguilt owed. 

Now I do need to apologize to EVERYONE about insinuating God’s prompt retribution over this evil. The truth is that I have no knowledge over these things.

It’s above my spiritual pay grade. And it wasn’t done unintentionally either. I knew what I was doing and why I was doing it. And it was wrong of me. My apologies.

It should have been enough to state that the evils abounding in our land (and in our hearts) are wrong and that we need to repent.

So from now on, I relay the message (as every christian should) and cry out to THE ALMIGHTY not for retribution, but to soften and break the hearts that are hardened and glazed over.

Which brings me to the last point:

Pray for our leaders (and yes, this includes 45). I’ve prayed for Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and Trump. It’s a prayer that comes with a promise - ‘that we may lead peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness’.

This pleases God our Savior, who wants all to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. - 1 Timothy 2:1-4

Now to the unspiritual mind, these points may seem contradictory - and I cannot help that. It is what it is.

But to the mature, spiritual mind, we need to pray, repent and lament over these evils, doing as God commands FIRST until we escape the veil of our long-standing delusions as we come to a better knowledge of the truth. 

John 8:31,32 is an if, then promise with our obedience demanded FIRST. FIRST we hold (obey), THEN we understand.

The faithless often want to put the cart before the horse. But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.

Be well.


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