Repentance from racism:
It is not a general apology. ‘I’m sorry for your struggle!’
It is not just confessing your dirty little racist secret: ‘I clutched my purse that time I got on the elevator with a Black guy with a suit - and he was my interviewer!Lol.’
It’s also not being ‘non-racist’ or ‘anti-racist’ to make yourself feel better. It’ll only leave you attacking all those racists over there.
And it’s certainly not saying, FIRE ALL OF THE WHITE COPS FROM ELSEWHERES!
While it’s appreciated that you were persuaded, if my page disappeared tomorrow, someone else would persuade you otherwise with ‘NOT ALL’ and the like
and you would lack the spiritual and moral conviction to stand against their racist reasoning.
And repentance is certainly not a hat tip or salute in my direction while you continue to go about your racist merry way.
Repentance is taking a 180 degree turn from where you were going.
If that seems easy, it only solidifies the deep state of denial that you are in.
Alcoholics have a secular group called AA where they must acknowledge a HIGHER POWER. Think about. Just breathe in and out and think about it.
A worldwide non religious group that admits that they are POWERLESS to deal with this addiction without some form of spiritual/ outside the flesh help.
And the addiction of racism is far, far worse. I have yet to see one racist admit that they are POWERLESS over their addiction.
Not one has taken a fearless moral inventory. Not one continually strives to make amends. You’re all just like dogs barking at one another: ‘racist, racist, racist’.
It’s painful to watch and painful to participate when you call us to give our input, not realizing that ANY correction to your progressive worldview can lead to us getting
fired, demoted, ostracized, targeted and killed.
I’m a christian and I’ve never fasted or prayed all night about my ingrained misogyny.
Because deep down, I’ve deemed it something that needs to change but not something that is abhorrently unacceptable in my life and in my thoughts and in my being.
If you are not spiritual, you are conditioned to hold back on the problem until a solution presents itself.
And if no solution is forthcoming, your makeup will deny that the problem exists at all.
What’s worse is that the more you deny, the better your job opportunities become. That’s called negative reinforcement. And since society is racist, society protects you and nurtures and cocoons you.
Even when you’re spiritually inclined, you’re surrounded by other spiritual people who suffer from the same malady.
No one cries out to the Almighty because everyone is blind and sight becomes a stigma.
If you could even begin to grasp the vastness of the denial that is within you and all around you, then it might humble you enough to the point where you at least stand a chance!
Scripture is useful, but without spiritual guidance, it’s just words on a page.
Pray about it. Just pray about it. And I will continually pray for you.
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