It's been 12 years on social media and I want to congratulate ALL of my friends for eliminating these terms from their 'public' vocabulary:
1. Thug
2. What about black on black crime?
3. The N word spelled out.
4. Reverse racism/race baiting/hustler/card
5. ON BOTH SIDES (personal pet peeve comparing Klan with protesters).
6. ALL/BLUE/ANIMAL (or any other term but BLACK) LIVES MATTER
7. I don't see color/colorblind
8. You don't know THE WHOLE STORY/Just comply.
9. You're overreacting.
10. Race is a made up construct meant to divide. We're ALL in this together!
11. agree with your goals, but not your methods.
12. Your hate talk does not expose the hate; it only breeds it.
13. Calling armed white supremacists militia and lone wolves instead of organized hate crime domestic terrorists.
And my all time favorite:
14. Your protest posts hurt MY feelings.
Again, any queries should be sent privately to avoid public shaming. Private messages will most likely be ignored as they're usually answered in the course of time through really listening.
In the coming months, our challenge will be to repent of the little things first; then work on the bigger things.
After all, the way that we are and we think today is far different from where we were at only one, two and ten months or years ago.
I’m not talking about confessing where we buried that body, but the point in time when the thoughts and actions that we once found acceptable and even praiseworthy became unacceptable or even shameful.
All this week I’ll be sharing my AHA moments of shame and what it was that changed my mindset.
Until then, be well.
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