The racist conditioning makes ALL of us stupid.
How else can we NOT see that the liberal media and conservative media are both owned and controlled by the same few people?
‘What about Black on Black crime?’ is a false narrative that has served (and continues to serve) them well for CENTURIES!
It prompted and justified the slave catchers (the origins of our police), the Klan, Jim Crow, redlining, the prison industrial complex and ALL (or mainly all) white cops patrolling ALL (or mainly all) Black spaces.
It leaves us blind (in denial) to the DNC smoking memo warning lib candidates to show us no love, practically guaranteeing 45 a 2nd term.
And no matter how many times we point this out on our wittle social media pages or how early we predict it or how carefully we connect the dots of our reasoning, it just doesn’t matter against their narrative onslaught.
We know that the 5G towers are deadly. We know that the virus is deadly. Do you really think that the sheep on our pages came up with the false idea that the 5G towers caused the virus?
That narrative was planted and the sheep just ran with it. So now the 5G tower danger seems a hoax and therefore not as deadly as once perceived. Their media patterns are powerful...yet predictable.
A CHASE barge busted with 20tons/ 40,000lbs of cocaine and no arrests and no convictions. Before that, I would always harp about Mitch’s 90lbs of drugs busted on the family cargo ship which also **poof** disappears.
Do you know how many times 90 goes into 40,000? A LOT! But it only takes a few grams of this stuff (whether planted or no) to lock up our Black bodies for DECADES!
How many grams go into 40,000lbs? Let’s do the math on this one. If 28 grams make an ounce and 16 ounces make a pound then 28 x 16 x 40,000 = 17,920,000 potential bodies
that could wind up in jail doing prison/slave labor for pennies on the dollar. So even though 2 million are in prisons and 6 million are on parole
(making us the most incarcerating nation on the planet 🌍 EVER, the potential of lock-ups from this one shipment alone is staggering!
And the systems surrounding and supporting it also profit and are even sustained by it. That’s why the police will NEVER find suspects who bring this evil in.
And why their media will just faggetaboutit!
And this many imprisonments leads to our kids being the most vulnerable for cops running CHILD rape rings.
I say all of this because as a christian (the real kind), The Almighty commands that I leave you without excuse.
And God does not care that we’re palsies; only that you repent.
And when it comes to repentance of racism, don’t start with the big EVIL! Take tiny steps.
Start like I did; admitting that their media had me fooled about the Central Park 5 back in the day because ‘Who would confess to something that they didn’t do?’
Then work your way up to ‘When Donald Trump took out that huge ad calling for these kids’ deaths, I didn’t see it as racist back then.’
‘And so, when those kids were exonerated YEARS later because of DNA (which had ALWAYS been there!) proving that a serial rapist had done it, I didn’t call Trump to apologize because I was right there with him.’
‘And when Trump called for Obama’s birth certificate, long form and short, I didn’t protest because maybe...’
Even though the asking fully revealed that brotherman was indeed born in Hawaii and both McCain and Ted Cruz would be disqualified to run for prez if they were Black! Neither one born on US soil.
Admit that you saying nothing when Obama received more filibusters than ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS COMBINED and their wanting to impeach him for not cleaning up Bush Jr’s mess fast enough was wrong.
So we deserve what we get (actually we deserve far worse, but God is gracious even when we’re obstinate).
We’ve traveled this long road of denial then get upset when we finally reach our destination.
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