PT 2
to try and recoup the $10,000 bond that they stole?
I guarantee you that that money is NOTHING compared to his legal fees!
And the racist cops and politicos have a nearly endless supply of funds on their legal end called OUR TAXES!
My conviction is strong about this because I have tons of examples of how they do in my head alone - let alone finding more each time I do a quick google.
And speaking of googling, a friend asked me to find the story of the 2 separate eyewitnesses corroborating Jussie’s story that his attackers were white because he couldn’t find it.
So I google and post the link on my page and realize 2 new things in the search:
1. Any narrative that goes contrary to their own, they bury.
2. Upon re-examining, the cops knew about the witnesses all along...but Jussie didn’t until AFTER he made the deal costing his bail money, just to make the insanity go away.
Firing ALL of the white cops from elsewheres patrolling and brutalizing Black spaces and training and hiring within
with mandates from the community itself will send a message to everyone that colonial control is OVER!
Can’t wait ‘til we have our own media. We’re gonna change it ALL!
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