So, being that this is Black History Month aka white people confess their darkest thoughts and deeds month, raise your hand if:
Raise your hand if you’ve ever used the N word or ‘thugs’ or ‘animals’ or ‘apes and monkeys’ in reference to us.
If you’ve ever claimed to be part native when your Birth Certificate and all your friends know you as white.
If you’ve ever said about our oppression, ‘Well why don’t they just...”
If you’ve had any hand in poisoning our drinking water.
If you’ve put feces on your Black classmates’ toothbrush or on any item thereof.
If you’ve ever worn blackface outside of a concert, play or sporting event.
If you’ve walked around with an escrima stick just itching for some Black dude to mess with you.
If you acknowledge that systemic racism is strong but ‘because of my upbringing and intelligence, I stand immune.’
If you’ve tried to sabotage a Black person in some way or witnessed it and said NOTHING.
If after we’ve posted a hard-hitting truth on our page, you’ve immediately commented, ‘Not me, right?’
If you’ve ever gaslighted our pain with ‘overreacting’, ‘Jesus, King or Obama wouldn’t...’, ‘Prove it!’ or ‘Snopes says’.
If you’ve agreed wholeheartedly with our posts but your page has only puppies and kittens and what you had for brunch.
If you keep trying to push for reforms, bodycams, civilian oversight and better training instead of firing ALL white cops from elsewheres because the IDEA, for some reason causes you discomfort -
all while OUR CHILDREN (and not yours) are brutalized and murdered by cops in the street with impunity.
If you’ve ever been promoted over the Black woman who trained you.
If you’ve ever thought that your Black coworker or fellow student or teacher is somehow less than due to quotas
when in fact it’s usually the other way around where they’ll see your white face and give you a shot because they sense you have potential
and your Black counterparts have to jump through hoops and are chosen amongst a sea of overqualified, only to be considered half as good or not the ‘right fit’.
If you followed the OJ Simpson trial and were angry about the outcome.
If it totally escaped you awareness how decades after the verdict, 95% of the tv shows referenced OJ and ONLY his Black lawyer - never the white ones - as malevolent.
If you’ve ignored how the cops who brutalized Rodney King are now heads of their departments.
If you believe(d) that should Black folk police their own spaces, they’d devolve into chaos.
If you’ve never questioned where guns or drugs come from since there are no poppy fields or smelting stations in Black folk’s backyards or basements.
If after reading ALL of this, you STILL think that you have nothing to confess and that your strength of character alone is enough to combat the systemic narrative
that has deluded the world and given you many of the privileged comforts that you currently enjoy, like your gentrified apt or home
and taking selfies with cops during your pink hat protest. Can’t wait ‘til we have our own media. We’re gonna change it all.
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