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Showing posts from January, 2020


WE NEED TO TAKE A STAND AND FIRE ALL OF THE WHITE COPS FROM ELSEWHERES! We need to take a stand and fire ALL of the white cops from elsewheres! Nothing else will do. During the 60’s & 70’s, folk tried policing the police and got COINTELPRO’d out of existence - not to mention all of our prominent leaders being assassinated. Don’t you think folk tried talking to the Black drug lords and the kids selling on the corner? But they were just symptoms. The cause was cops flooding guns and crack into Black spaces - the most addictive substance on the planet at that time - which devastated Black communities! And I don’t believe that the evil was just to fund an illegal war in Nicaragua since cops keep flooding the guns and drugs in certain Black areas in Chicago, Baltimore, LA and the like. In NY, the cops and the media they have in their pockets made 20tons/40,000 lbs of cocaine busted on a CHASE barge just **poof** disappear. No arrests; no convictions. How do you think we get...


SO I’M RECRUITING All of these white liberal leaders, activists, politicians, celebrities and white whisperers are just white and will only be white until they repent. There are no exceptions. There’s a reason why I mandated a ban on ALL of the white comments on my page and it’s not because of just ‘a few bad apples’. And to this day, not one white person from my friend’s list speaks about (on their page) how the racist conditioning of white folk is so bad that someone had to ban the lot of us from commenting!  Not one! I’ve had to consistently repent of my Anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynoir and Anti-Muslim (though not so much with the Muslim because Spring isn’t here yet) conditioning. And it’s not because I grew up in some Jew-hating, homo-bashing, women-denigrating enclave. I’m not particularly evil; I’m just regular old evil which makes it harder because particularly evil folk tend to see their need for absolution more than us average folk on the ‘not me’ scale. ...
THE TRUTH ABOUT WHERE WE’RE AT Here’s the truth: Until we congregantly say FIRE ALL OF THE WHITE COPS FROM ELSEWHERES PATROLLING AND BRUTALIZING BLACK SPACES AND TRAIN AND HIRE WITHIN, we will NEVER be respected anywhere in the world (even in Mother Africa) because our conditioning has proven that we haven’t even learned to respect ourselves let alone possible allies. After 5 decades, I’m just learning to deal with my misogynoir conditioning. And when we do, we’re told to hush, hush! How can we possibly be unified carrying this hatred towards Black women? And make no mistake; it is hatred (from the body shaming to the use of the b word and the word and the like to not giving them the same - or even greater - respect than we would our Black male counterpart). Once we kick ALL of the white cops from elsewheres out, then we can begin to build. But until then, we’ll have no economic or political say. Our vote is managed by the two parties - carefully bouncing elections back ...


ANTI-SEMITISM AND STOKING THE JEWISH / BLACK DIVIDE (PART II) The racist lame stream media’s tactic has a Black man plastered on every front page as the face of Anti-Semitism. Like he alone responsible for the uptick in evil against Synagogues and Jewish cemeteries over the past year or so. Does anyone remember Tristan Morgan? He was the white arsonist who got burned while attempting to set fire to a Synagogue a while back. You may recall the incident but I had to google his name and face because white people doing evil (even though that is mainly the case since they are the majority still) does not fit their media’s narrative. Neither do the other white perpetrators caught. So, instead of bringing these pertinent facts up, their text is ‘Hate crime or mental illness?’ But their subtext is ‘Pick a side!’ Not about this man’s state of mind but ‘Are you on team Black or team Jewish?!?’ These stressors are designed to stoke the seeds of conditioned hatreds planted within. ...


THE TRUTH ABOUT WHERE WE’RE AT Here’s the truth: Until we congregantly say FIRE ALL OF THE WHITE COPS FROM ELSEWHERES PATROLLING AND BRUTALIZING BLACK SPACES AND TRAIN AND HIRE WITHIN, we will NEVER be respected anywhere in the world (even in Mother Africa) because our conditioning has proven that we haven’t even learned to respect ourselves let alone possible allies. After 5 decades, I’m just learning to deal with my misogynoir conditioning. And when we do, we’re told to hush, hush! How can we possibly be unified carrying this hatred towards Black women? And make no mistake; it is hatred (from the body shaming to the use of the b word and the word and the like to not giving them the same - or even greater - respect than we would our Black male counterpart). Once we kick ALL of the white cops from elsewheres out, then we can begin to build. But until then, we’ll have no economic or political say. Our vote is managed by the two parties - carefully bouncing elections back ...


THE UNHOLY ALLIANCE OF THE DNC AND THE GOP The only lib candidate worthy of my vote was DiBlasio for keeping his word in ousting cop Pantaleo, the murderer of  Eric Garner. But the DNC in their smoking memo warned ALL dems not to show us any love and so he was dropped soon after. No one else comes close to earning my vote but the top runner is Bloomberg for his stop n frisk stance apology, even though he used prison/slave labor in his campaign. Let that sink in. In the past, I would blame Bernie; but now we see the DNC pulling all the strings (except Bloomberg’s because he funds his own campaigns). Anyone with a modicum of commonsense can see that the DNC and the GOP’s goal is to keep the reigns of power balanced, hopping back and forth from one party to another in an unholy agreement. Even with their professional predictors being surprised about Trump’s election last time, (something many Black folk saw coming ahead of time and even spoofed on SNL), overcoming their...