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This is white people, denial logic.

This is white people, denial logic.

The system that keeps 45 from being impeached is the same one that has him take the election once again in 2020.

It’s the same one that lets him challenge the former prez on his birth certificate, FORCING HIM TO SHOW 

IT, while NEVER producing any tax returns of his own. The same system that calls Michelle a slut for going sleeveless

and showing off her toned arms while praising the current 1st lady who did nudie pics that might get me banned on 

social media. The same system where the smoking DNC memo forbade lib candidates from showing us any love and the racist 

liberal media puts a lid on this juicy story. And is this 45’s 2nd or third wife? And is she the one he was sleeping with and got 

pregnant while he was STILL married to the other one? And didn’t they slam Obama for not bringing down Bush jr.’s US

debt (how much we owe) and deficit (our inability to pay it back) fast enough? Now it’s at 23tril and nary a whisper 

from racist liberal media. So when he doesn’t get impeached...again and wins the election again, please don’t do the 

white people thing and blame Black folk like me... again for telling you what your own experts didn’t fathom the last time

because of their own denial but have figured out this time. Don’t Blame the Black folk in swing states for not voting 

en-masse because if the DNC wanted to win, all they’d need this time is reparations and the election would be in the bag

for the next 20 years. It’s almost as if the powers that be want these teeter-totter elections to balance the wings on 

the same predatory bird. It’s like I’m talking to myself here. Can’t wait ‘til we have our own media. Everything changes.


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