When they have kidnappings and organ harvesting in other countries, who do we know is involved? The authorities;
the cops. And when drugs and guns are flooding Black spaces here, who’s the main distributor? The cops. So
when countless Black women and CHILDREN just vanish, they love to say ‘beware of the random Uber driver’ but the
ONLY ones capable of such mass ‘disappearings’ are the police.And just as we don’t wake up to find our left eye 👁
vanished, our CHILDREN don’t just ‘go missing’. They are taken. And who’s able to just snatch our kids without much
fanfare? You guessed it. Now white cops from elsewheres make up about 95% of those patrolling Black spaces. Now
why is that? Could it be a carryover from the slave patrols where cops had their origins here in the US? And how
come biological parents receive a pittance of aide while foster parents receive the lion’s share? It’s almost as
though they want to motivate CPS agencies to find the original caregivers not capable. And who takes them away
once they’re found ill equipped? I’ll give you one guess. And ask yourself, since 500,000 US kids are trafficked in
CHILD rape rings each year and NY police departments (plural) are STILL under investigation for running CHILD
rape rings here, does it begin to make sense that the police are involved all over the 50 states? And since
Jeffrey Epstein, the known pedophile did not kill himself while in solitary in police custody, do you really think that
the Black security guards on trial snapped this white billionaire’s neck then staged it as a suicide? There’s a
meme going around about them:
And you’d think that the news media would speculate about at least how cops have a hand in this multi-billion
dollar EVIL industry, but they’re as silent as church mice, only regurgitating the ‘official story’ that they are fed.
Maybe it’s because the last major investigative reporter who uncovered that the CIA used cops to mule in Crack to
Black spaces, (devastating us and sending countless Black folk into the prison pipeline), Gary Webb, was found dead
with two bullets to the head which they labeled a suicide. I even saw one story where they laid the blame on younger
online pimps who pied piper teenage girls out of their homes via the internet as the source of these major
disappearances. You know what we need to do, don’t you?We need to fire ALL of the white cops from elsewheres
patrolling and brutalizing Black spaces and train and hire within with mandates from the community itself and watch
95% of our newsfeed just **poof** disappear. It’s like there’s some sort of spell preventing folk from seeing the
obvious. Either we break the spell or the spell breaks us. Can’t wait ‘til we have our own media. Everything changes.
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