Salve for white savagery:
Good trouble
I have a dream
Nonviolent resistance
The system stinks
Not all
The whole story
Things are changing
Be like Dr. King
Check out this race book, this speaker, this nonviolent movement, fund, program, black centered opportunity, black lives matter.
All of these pundits allow them to ignore the pink elephant:
Reparations NOW
Fire ALL of the white cops from elsewheres patrolling and brutalizing Black spaces and hashtagging us with impunity while their media successfully blames us for our own oppression.
For the white folk on my page who are spiritually inclined, when it comes to racism, there’s an acute lack of expressed internal reflection.
And if I allowed white comments on my page, some would disagree, citing FACTS or exceptions in their conditioned ignorance (see above) or pointing out how much they’ve pounded on their latest scapegoat or tone policing my character, saying that I’m over dramatic, overreacting, which is another way of saying uppity.
But most would agree, seeking to sidle up to me without ever saying REPARATIONS NOW or FIRE ALL OF THE WHITE COPS FROM ELSEWHERES on their pages or just PM me their “support”.
That way, when I leave FB in less than a week, their delusion will allow them to claim that I was with them or they were with me or that I’d come around to their way of thinking while the hashtags and decade long prison sentences for folk who WEREN’T EVEN AT THE SCENE OF THE CRIME continued unabated.
So when I say that their conditioned thoughts spew toxic bile, it’s only because words like bile and hypocrisy and
gaslighting are the closest words to describe their commenting experience. Not to mention the repercussions for daring to point out the truth.
And the truth is that their bile-filled, hypocritical, gaslighting comments drain me! I won’t miss that when I leave FB.
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