I banned the white gaze because at this point they’re conditioned to find that one exception - that one tree in a forest of evil. Because if they find that one tree exception, it justifies in their eyes, not lamenting over the evil and changing. So I say, ‘name one white kid adopted by Black parents’ and they find the one. Mission accomplished! Now they feel free to ignore the great disparity or even how Black or mixed race Black/white couples are not allowed to adopt from China or Russia. But white couples - even gay white couples - can. Someone says that picnic means pick a n***er to lynch and white folk are quick to point out the etymology error. Then they feel free to ignore the countless cases of white folk accusing, hanging, burning, castrating and taking pictures of our remains while they and their CHILDREN are dressed and smiling in their Sunday best. PICNIC. In their conditioning savagery, they just need to find one falsely accused white man on death row to ignore the cou...
Race Politics Spirituality Health Economics