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Showing posts from December, 2020


 I banned the white gaze because at this point they’re conditioned to find that one exception - that one tree in a forest of evil. Because if they find that one tree exception, it justifies in their eyes, not lamenting over the evil and changing. So I say, ‘name one white kid adopted by Black parents’ and they find the one. Mission accomplished! Now they feel free to ignore the great disparity or even how Black or mixed race Black/white couples are not allowed to adopt from China or Russia. But white couples - even gay white couples - can. Someone says that picnic means pick a n***er to lynch and white folk are quick to point out the etymology error. Then they feel free to ignore the countless cases of white folk accusing, hanging, burning, castrating and taking pictures of our remains while they and their CHILDREN are dressed and smiling in their Sunday best. PICNIC. In their conditioning savagery, they just need to find one falsely accused white man on death row to ignore the cou...


 Since I’ve banned the white gaze, let’s talk about the cult of scapegoating. I’ve been guilty of this in my misogynoir conditioning, ignoring the plight of Black women being abused by fellow Black men and instead focusing on eliminating the white cops from elsewheres ‘for the greater good’ falsely believing that these justice battles cannot be fought on many fronts  at the same time when the exact opposite is true; they must be tackled on ALL fronts at ALL times. I have ignored the warnings of Mamie Till Mobley (the mother of Emmett Till):  “The murder of my son has shown me that what happens to any of us, anywhere in the world 🌍 had better be the business of us ALL.” Her wisdom came at a terrible, HORRIBLE price! It behooves us all to listen to it once again. This cult that I speak of pervades our society. It allows us Black men  to decry the unfairness we face while declaring the moans of Black women as a lack of solidarity to the cause of ‘mutual liberation.’ An...


I banned the white gaze to prevent tone policing and I would hate to have my  FIRE ALL OF THE WHITE COPS FROM ELSEWHERES PATROLLING AND BRUTALIZING BLACK SPACES! watered down so quickly, when I’m leaving FB in January. If you feel different, that’s fine. But if bodycams didn’t work... We’re conditioned to look towards whatever our media masters put out. And when I would tone police other Black folk, I had no idea that I was doing it and how conditioned my mindset was. But once I knew better, I openly apologized and repented, and in doing so, my mind opened up to how hateful and harmful it is. Anything less is a form of gaslighting. There are folk (both white and Black) on my page who would start saying (or thinking) ‘Yeah...let’s make a degree mandatory!’ while the hashtags STILL continued! So what I’m saying is REPARATIONS NOW and FIRE ALL OF THE WHITE COPS FROM ELSEWHERES! And is like I’m talking to myself here if you think that these milk toast options that our oppress...


Again, The Chappelle Show made Comedy Central a billion dollars! Now I know that this number is ginormous so let’s break it down: A subscription to Comedy Central costs $5 a month on average. Times 12 months is $60. 1 billion divided by $60 equals 16 and a half million subscribers. There are 350 million in the US alone and the cable network knows that folk weren’t paying to see Tosh O! Now Dave’s original contract was for half the proceeds. But CC wasn’t about to pay no n**ger 500 million dollars, so they ‘renegotiated’ it to 50 million. Now 50 million seems like a lot to you and me, but not if your singular talent makes your partner over a billion!  And when Dave said that his fans wouldn’t stand for it, they spread a rumor that he went on a crack binge in Africa - and it was so. I found all of this out via Katt Williams. You can still see his comments on YouTube, but he stopped mentioning it in his interviews since white cops from elsewheres raided his business office where his C...


  If I’m ever hashtagged in the street and my body laid dead for hours with 3 to 6 bullets to the back, then please forgive the ones who shot me. It’s not monsters who perform these injustices but fellow human beings.  And don’t go screaming Justice for ___________ fill in the blank and marching up and down your own streets so that they can get double overtime while brutalizing, tear gassing and arresting you. Instead, simply say FIRE ALL OF THE WHITE COPS FROM ELSEWHERES PATROLLING AND BRUTALIZING BLACK SPACES! We should have said this DECADES ago, but saying it after my lynching would be as good a time as any. That way, the only time our grandkids will learn about these HORRORS are from movies and history books. Be well.


 Repenting of my misogynoir conditioning also involves banning the white gaze entirely. Let me Blacksplain: Whenever we talk reparations NOW or firing ALL of the white cops from elsewheres patrolling and brutalizing Black spaces!, they invariably bring up logistics when clearly their hearts are not for us. The trouble is that their gaslighting often contains valid points. For example, if they say that hashtags are minimal compared to domestic violence or Black on Black crime, where is the lie? The truth is that sexual assault and domestic violence needs to die the death. But brothers are so used to them gaslighting that they reflexively put it under the ‘plot to divide’ category. I mean it’s not like domestic violence only exists in the Black community. Or like there is no white on white crime. By banning the white gaze entirely, we repent while eliminating the gaslighting. Can’t wait ‘til we have our own media. Everything changes.


 Their media is skilled at laying the blame on Black leaders and that one white mayor with a Black family.  From Shirley Chisholm to Ice Cube to every Mayor, Governor and the one Black President. But here are 5 truths: 1. When a Black elected official comes on board, the money, power and authority goes away until another white official takes their place. 2. They flood our streets with guns and drugs then overly incarcerate and incentivize our imprisonments with profit (slavery by another name). 3. Their media’s narrative will ALWAYS be that our oppression is our fault. And white people and the Black folk who worship them are conditioned to agree with that assessment. 4. Which brings me to my need to ban the white gaze comments on my page in order for us to freely speak about FIRING ALL OF THE WHITE COPS FROM ELSEWHERES! and REPARATIONS NOW! 5. They thoroughly vett ANY potential Black candidate with coercion and (no doubt physical) threats that they’ve more than proven that the...


The racist history of vaccines plus their media ignoring the savagery both past and present give us reasons to be wary of any cure...period. The current events of French doctors saying ‘Let’s test it on the Africans 1st.’? The current events of us and our CHILDREN being turned away from treatment to die in greater numbers from COVID. They won’t acknowledge that they failed us throughout but expect a forging ahead like sheep. Do you know why many of our friends moved back to places like Atlanta? Because other bold friends of ours said that it’s not like the HORRORS of before! It’s cheaper, business is booming and it’s chocolate friendly! Our government should try acknowledging and then stating what will be different. But good luck with that. The track record for owning sin has about a 50 year gap. Can’t wait ‘til we have our own media. Everything changes.


 We can continue to make signs, sign petitions and put our fists up saying ‘Justice for’ and ‘free ________________ ‘ fill in the blank, until folk are making signs for us due to our efforts to eliminate white savagery, or we can  FIRE ALL OF THE WHITE COPS FROM ELSEWHERES PATROLLING AND BRUTALIZING BLACK SPACES! The road not taken (the one most of us fear) will at the very least won’t have us regurgitating this same process. When I’m gone in January, who will have the conviction to take up this mantle? And I banned the white gaze comments so that other Black folk who worship them could see that their Gods are really no Gods at all! Yes, many of them will go after your job, your career and your social standing, but they do this anyway! This year alone saw incredible job losses! And who took the brunt of it? It doesn’t take all of us standing up together. All it takes is one of us like Fannie Lou Hamer who is sick and tired of being sick and tired and the sheep will follow. It’...


 How good men become great: Kennedy repented and came to the conviction that there cannot be two Americas; one for the white man and one for  the negro. He also repented of allowing his warmongering military advisors to almost lead us into WWIII. Perhaps if he  had lived - along with his brother, Bobby, they would have used the opportunity to repent some more. Then there’s King, who repented of leading us into a burning house by demanding not only the vote but reparations as  well. He also repented of staying silent on Vietnam until a Black Muslim boxer by the new name of Ali took a stand first  in spite of the racist consequences. Then they murdered him too. Now Ali repented of turning his back on Malcolm  because he was convinced that Malcolm had gone astray by siding against The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Ali is known  as The Greatest, both inside and outside of the ring, but his ability to openly own his faults is what made him truly great!  T...


BAN ALL OF THE WHITE GAZE COMMENTS! They strain at a gnat yet swallow a camel! Toxic...yet effective! I’ll be gone in January so let me leave a few tips: And if you contend with their banter (right or wrong), the truth of say the Native genocide HORROR gets lost in the sauce. They refuse to lament over the evils of the past and so reflexively, in their denial and dissonance, engage in banter meant to distract. Example: we say that we heard that ‘picnic’ means pick a n**ger to lynch. They’ll quickly chime in that that’s not the word’s etymology. They’re like SNOPES; pretending to be impartial but only (with maybe a few exceptions) chiming in on the negative regarding race. Or they’ll agree with what we’re saying but insist that we label them the exception. NOT YOU, BRADLEY! NOT YOU, VIRGINIA! The HORROR of how they’d accuse an innocent Black man (often a small business owner),  jail them, schedule their public hanging in the paper and have men, women and CHILDREN come out dressed in...