Did you ask any of your Black friends what you needed to do? Oh wait...
Until the white people on my page grasp the concept of repentance, I should lay down some ground rules of things that we hate that you do or wish that you would.
This knowledge can actually hurt you if you’re left believing that following these tenets will leave you less racist
as opposed to less annoying and harmful in your hateful conditioning. I’ve asked fellow Black friends (if you call yourself anything but Black, you are relieved from duty this go round) on my page to comment.
Then I’ll take those comments and make them into one very looong post.
#1. Until they repent, white people need to stop telling us (or threatening us in) what to do or say or think or feel. You do not own us...anymore.
This also includes recommending white authors to us or your white friends to be race whisperers. It’s like the pink p**** hats to us; your not so subtle way of saying that you can fight oppression better and be more civil about it.
It also includes ‘schooling’ us on our Black leaders from what you learned in your Afro history class.
All of your ‘efforts’ are designed to say that while you are ‘down’ with the struggle, you are also superior to the racist conditioning that is ingrained in our society’s fabric.
It furthers your denial about how much you benefit. Even the poorest of the poor of you don’t have their CHILDREN hashtagged!
And none of you on my page are the poorest of the poor white people anyway, so just shut up and listen for once!
And what you should do is instead of schooling your fellow white friends (your way of pointing out how ‘anti-racist’ you are),
You should share with your fellow white folk the last time you said (or thought) the N word ON YOUR PAGE AND NOT MINE (and please don’t tag me!)
Or the last time you said (or thought) of us as ‘animals’ and ‘savages’ and corrupt and morally or spiritually bankrupt or lacking or unreachable or not hiring or leading material or not a good fit
or just believing deep down that if you were in our shoes, you know you could do it better while knowing that you’d be scared to death if you woke up Black one morning.
And for ALL the other Black folk on my page, feel free to lather on the comments. GO!
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