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Showing posts from August, 2021


 Instead of ‘The US spends years training Afghani soldiers only to have them fold against the Taliban when we leave’ (Implying that they’re wimps), it should read ‘poppies was our motive and we had no trouble training Osama Bin Laden’s crew. Instead of ‘Should or shouldn’t Black women olympians have our sympathy when dealing with health issues’,  it should read ‘Racism is so strong all over the world that even mighty Black women olympians need to bow out’


 When Black leaders are quick to point out what to say when we’re stopped and frisked (which is always needed),  but are slow to mention the racist insanity of having mainly white cops patrolling mostly Black areas!  It’s like there’s some sort of spell…


 So where is the uproar when not one but two Black women world champions bow out from their sport because of the racist media for health reasons?  Their media of course focuses in on the “health reasons“ but we all know the truth!  Did Michael Jordan put a black tape over his mouth to stop speaking to the racist press for health reasons? Did Eddie Murphy only give interviews with Bryant Gumbel because of the racist press for health reasons? When we look at the interviews at the races press conducted with Mohammed Ally, they’re all about how he’s slowing down. No one mentions how our government took three years from him while he was in his boxing Prime! White people, boy! Can’t wait ‘til we have our own media. Everything changes.